About U.K. Literary Lesbians

What is a literary lesbian? A lesbian of literature, naturally! And this site is dedicated to honoring those who are based in the United Kingdom.

Why literary lesbians? Visibility, representation, and support (financial and otherwise).

Who qualifies for feature on the website? Any lesbian who has published a book, fiction or non. No print house is too small. If you’re published, you qualify. This includes trans women and non-binary people who identify as lesbian.
If you’re asking: can a non-binary person be a lesbian? Click here to watch this short video.

Why are the authors numbered? The numbering system is not a ranking of any kind; they refer to the number in which their author page is released. It’s also an easy way to keep track of how many amazing lesbian writers get added to this database.

Can I submit a writer to be featured? Please do! This website is intended to be a mass-collaboration. Submit a writer (or yourself!) to uklitles@gmail.com. Here’s a quick checklist for submissions:
1. In the subject line of the email, write “NEW WRITER SUBMISSION”
2. In the body of the email, include the following information: author name, name of published work, a link to where that work can be purchased, a minimum of 100 words (maximum of 500) on the author with links/citations to verify the information, and an author photo. If any of those items are missing, the author will not be considered.

Can I contribute information to an author already featured on the website? You bet! I do my best to include the information that feels relevant and helpful. If you think there’s something missing, send it over for consideration. If your submission is going to be added, you’ll get a confirmation reply. Here’s a quick checklist for submissions:
1. In the subject line of the email, write “AUTHOR INFO”
2. In the body of the email, include the author’s name and number that you’re submitting about, as well as the new information and links/citations for that information. If any information is missing, the additional information will not be considered.

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